Quiet Madness

February 21, 2024

Quite Madness (QM) is a social brand and advocacy offering a community forum that communicates ideas and shares points of views based on current events pertaining to social and political movements, world economics, culture and emerging technologies that elevate the human condition.

We aim to facilitate and assist people from the tyranny of social stigma, oppression, and false propaganda. This campaign will be achieved by stimulating and enabling social consciousness, individuality, and free thinking by implementing ideas, concepts, visual impacts and other receptive medias by which our channel and objective efforts will resonate freely establishing a common need and desire to allow and identify with certain realities, beliefs, experiences and contemporary events. Our movement, efforts and capacity to retain an audience will not be used to profit but to establish conscious responsibility and help charitably those that currently do not have the capacity to liberate and stimulate their own human factor.

Quite Madness commercializes its ideas, credence and methodologies via the merchandizing tangible objects such as a clothing, wearable tech, and art. 90% of our profit and process are distributed to social programs, food & nutrition programs, humanitarian programs, and cultural programs. These donations will be 100% direct and immediate to the program or cause, we do not allow or accept second or third party funneling of projected charitable funds.


It is our position and belief that in nature all things function on a collective of hierarchies and processes that work together in synergy towards an equilibrium of cause and effect. The human body along with its psychological faculties is also part of this collective of processes. As human beings we strive for attention and affection. This attention and affection is found and achieved by the qualitative stimulation and cultivation of the human factor. There is a counterpart, a parity or process of equilibrium, to everything that "is" in the here and the now. We choose to embark and set forth in the process of nature by means of being in action and reaction. There is a necessary evil, albeit an opposite opposing force of nature that drives the core of our desire to move forth unraveling the unknown. We are subjected to the production of truth through power, and we cannot exercise power except through the production of truth. Power never ceases its interrogation, its inquisition, its registration of truth.


Quiet Madness is the representation of all humanity, without basis or judgement it represents and identifies with our pain, anxieties, fears, sufferings, disparity, and sorrow along with the hopes and drive to prevail, liberate, fulfill, compassionate, and stimulate the human factor.


"The Condition Of All Truth Is To Allow Suffering To Speak"