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A Conservator of Health & Wellness.

CULMINATE H LABS (CH LABS) is a biotech formulating, manufacturing, and selling anti-aging dietary supplements and skincare. CH LABS possess an exclusive recipe, a DNA KEY, on how to produce and deliver life extending ingredients that promote the manufacturing of proteins and reverse aging.


A wellness conservator engaged in the research, development, and implementation of cellular therapeutic and wellness applications that preserve and extend cellular life.


Our robust technological framework is comprised of big data, research, development, genome sequences, and biosensor readings integrated mathematically to classify which specific bioactive compounds and what delivery systems offer the most advantageous anti-aging benefits.


Access to qualitative nutrition from food is sparse and extremely limited. As a direct result our health and longevity are compromised. Our mission and work offer a natural and effective alternative to the food and health crisis ahead. Our ultimate goal is to elevate the human condition.


Elevating the human condition

A Profound Possibility


The successful extraction and use of ultra filtrate peptides comprised of tissues and endocrine glands derived from embryonic opine placenta stem cells.

Give Life To Humans


Effective hydrolysis reaction through macromolecules ruptures that increase increasing and actuate the appropriate enzymes, suitable pH, and temperature variations to yield a mixture of potent and sophisticated amino acids.

The Recipe To Cell Life


Optimal fragmentation through hydrolysis yielding a polypeptide, dipeptides, and amnio acids in addition to their natural tissues which contain complex proteins (phosphor-proteins, nucleoproteins, glycoproteins, lipoproteins and metabolic proteins)

Cellular Nutrition


Optimal yield of supplemental building block components: phosphorus compounds, nucleic acids and nucleotides. All derived from carbohydrates and lipids, biological cofactors, trace elements, and electrolytes, in addition to lysis protein derivatives.

Orthomolecular Revival


Comprehensive implementation of lysed-process resulting in optimal normalization of structure, physiology, and the metabolism of a particular tissue or organ.

Cellular Optimization


Optimal cell and regeneration cocktail comprised of tissue / organ specific protein, amino acids, hydrolysates, vitamins, trace elements, minerals, and herbal elements to complement and potentiate the function of the hydrolysates with the placenta stem cells.

Giver Of Life 64: DNA KEY


Successful implementation and administration of proteolytic enzymes to reduce a range of complex proteins, polypeptides, and oligopeptides peptones to achieve maximum absorption of amino acids.


An All-Star Team & Board With 100+ Years of combined experience & Success.

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Dr. Calixto Vallejo

Co-Founder, Chief Director of Operations responsible for all operational frameworks between production, sales and partner networks. 30 years experience in manufacturing, input/ output analysis, and operational optimization for fortune 500 industry leaders.

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Rudy Prajza

Strategic Marketing & Advertising Advisor, Non-Executive Board Member, advises on all strategic marketing and advertising initiatives. This includes consumer analysis and predictive modeling. 40+ years experience in executive marketing and advertisement roles for fortune 500 FMCG conglomerates like Coke and Pepsi.

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Armando Mendez

Commercial Financing & Big Box Retailer Strategic Advisor; Non-Executive Board Member, advises on all commercial financing strategies, inventory collaborations, and liquidity as it pertains to big box retailers like Walmart and Target. 40+ experience in executive management within the sport apparel industry holding exclusive licensing with MLB and 30+ years as vendor with Walmart.

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Dr. Oscar Kuperman

Strategic Corporate Structure & Finance Advisor, Non-Executive Board Member, advises on all strategic corporate finance strategies and structures. 35+ years experience as accomplished investment banker and corporate finance executive in equity structuring with JB Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup managing multi-billion dollar funds with a large team of associates.

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Cathy Cash Spellman

Strategic Branding & Marketing Advisor, Non-Executive Board Member, advises strategic branding and marketing beauty initiatives, a best seller author with 40+ years experience in VP executive and consulting roles in branding and marketing for fortune 500 beauty and wellness conglomerates.

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Stephen Sullivan

Strategic New Product Development & Commercial Advisor, Non-Executive Board Member, advises all strategic new product development and commercialization initiatives with 40+ years experience in ownership and VP of sales within the food and beverage industry working with the largest wine and spirits conglomerates in the world.

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Dr. Juan Carlos Rodriguez

Co-Founder, Scientist, Chief Commercial Officer, responsible for all commercial and operational functions with emphasis in IP strategy, protection, and monetization via licensing and partner compliance. 25 years experience in manufacturing, commercialization strategies, input/output analysis, IP strategy/monetization, operational optimization, and financial modeling with fortune 500 companies occupying the energy, life science, biotech, FMCG space.

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Gustavo Bravo

Chief Corporate Console oversees the compliance of all contractual documentation, reinforcing our IP strategy/protection (trademarks & patents) while assisting in minimizing exposure & liabilities. Ultimately ensuring CH LABS is preemptive to deescalate any litigious uprising from any/all business relationships and or competitors.

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Armando Allen

Chief Sport Advisor & Coach oversees our sports wellness and education programs for our high school, university, and professional athletic initiatives and endorsements regarding safety, health, and nutrition. As an ex professional football player and university coach Armando brings 15 years experience in team collaboration, good worth ethics, and mentorship.

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Lisa Capote

FDA Liaison & Console oversees all FDA compliance, claims, and labeling while assisting in minimizing exposure & liabilities to product formulas and brands. Ultimately ensuring CH LABS is preemptive to deescalate any litigious uprising from any/all FDA requirements or business matters.


Research publications & Case Study References

Center for Cellular Therapy & Cytoplasmic Information and Library Archive; Volume 1, 1076-1982, Cytoplasmic Biology, ovine placenta stem cells.

Dr. Santiago Caleque, Dr. Gabriel Faraj Cualli; 2n.d Simposium Cellular Therapy, (1988)

Dr. Santiago Caleque, Dr. Gabriel Faraj Cualli, Dr. Josue A. Muchnik; immunological tolerance to massive and repeated implants: effects on aging part 1, (1993)

Dr. Santiago Caleque, Dr. Gabriel Faraj Cualli, Dr. Josue A. Muchnik; immunological tolerance to massive and repeated implants: effects on aging part 2, clinical trials, (1993)

Dr. Santiago Caleque, Dr. Gabriel Faraj Cualli, Dr. Nestor E. Bravo, Irene A. Funai; Advances en plastic surgery and repair in the pre and post surgical procedures with molecular nutrition, (1994).

Dr. Santiago Caleque; brief clinical overview in the following cellular and molecular therapies via the use of thymus glands and placenta cotyledon tissues for the mediation of biological conditions, (1996).

Dr. Santiago Caleque, Dr. Gabriel Faraj Cualli; a 13 part system outlining molecular therapies specific to organ tissues and their optimal function, (1997).

Dr. Santiago Caleque, Dr. Aaron Erenfryd; cellular and organ therapies via macromolecular nutrition, (1997).

Dr. Santiago Caleque; pluripotent cells revitalization via macromolecular tissue therapies, (1998).

Dr. Santiago Caleque; therapy protocols in molecular tissues, (1999).

Dr. Santiago Caleque, Dr. Gabriel Faraj Cualli; blastema tissues, the fundamentals of mesenchymal stem cells (2000).

Dr. Santiago Caleque, Dr. Ruben O. Muhlberger, Dr. Eduardo Arganaras; prophylaxis for aging and metabolic conditions via molecular tissue therapies, (2000)

Dr. Hayde Losa; delivery absorption of hydrolyzed molecular tissue cocktails, (2009)

Dr. Eradio Ignacio Minotti; Advances In Cellular Biology, the human genome, cell Life, & modern integrated Health, (2015).

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